Saturday, March 26, 2011

Smells like Stetson

So tonight I went out with my sister and 2 friends that I have known for like 20+ years, seriously. We went to Montana's, a country western bar/club. We did some line dancing and were quite entertained watching very drunk people dance. It was fun, although, I would occasionally find myself thinking "Im probably the only person here with one boob." It was nice to have a girls night out.

Addendum: so I had this realization last night, or early this morning I guess, yes, I have one boob, but so what. I am so thankful that I have good friends to go out with, and are not afraid of looking like fools trying to jump into a new dance, and that I am healthy and able to jump around to a new dance, and I have a nice home to come home to, and great family to watch my kids,and a great oncologist who emails me at 1:30 am to let me know that my scans that I had to re-take all look great! Yes, my situation sucks, but I am a very fortunate person.

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