Monday, March 14, 2011

A shower and two Dora band aids

So, not sure if I mentioned, but today I had my second drain removed, which means I can now shower, like normal. So tonight I showered and was able to put my hair fully under the shower. But let me start at the beginning. Now I'm not trying to be overly graphic, but this was my experience.

So I undressed and looked at myself for the first time, without tubes or bandages and I looked, different, but I looked ok. I then got in the shower and felt the water hit my scar, and what was weird about it was, having the water hit my body and fall straight down to my stomach, not detour down the breast to the shower floor. And to not have a nipple, but rather a sensitive  scar. Then, when I shaved my legs, yes finally, to not have my boob in the way... it was different. Then I washed my scar I felt my new chest, yes it's bruised and banged up, but it's healing.

Then, I did what I have been afraid to to since my surgery, I examined my other breast. No lumps, but I had been terrified to check.

After my shower, I dried my scar and the two holes left from the drains. I then found two band aids (pretty Dora band aids) for my two holes. I then wraped myself up in a towel and brushed my teeth. As I was brushing I realized how nicely the towel fit around my body, and I realized that before, my boob were too big for the towel, now the towel wraps with room to spare, so I guess that's a plus.

I hope I have not offended anyone with my boob and nipple talk, I just wanted to remember this experience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this whole blog thing. I don't even talk to you to know what you're thinking, although as your brother there should be a little telepathy working. I can tell you when you're sad, I'm sad; when you're happy, I'm happy; and when you laugh (boob eulogy), I laugh. I'm praying for you, and everyone around me is praying for you. I love you.

- your brother