Wednesday, April 27, 2011


So, my sister got on my case because I have not posted in a few days. We are busy getting ready for my dad's 60th party this Saturday.

I am also very excited and obsessed over the royal wedding. Really, I'm obsessed. Right now I am watching yet another special on the couple. I even found a fabulous hat to wear while I watch the wedding! And of course I have my Kate Middleton ring. I am going to try to stay up to watch it live, but we'll see.

So right now I have a lot of distractions, which is good, because I still freak out all the time, because I really have a hard time accepting that this really is my life, and I really do have cancer. It's just really hard thinking of the future. In my head I'm trying to figure out how my body works and how I can help it work better. How I can help my body fight off cancer cells in the future, the way it should. I'm started seeing an acupunturist today and after this weeks party, before the next chemo round, I'm going to find a yoga instructor. I really think that self awareness is going to the key. I'm hopeful, so we'll see.

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