Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My little pumpkins

Both costumes were home made or home assembled. My 6 year old and I made her pirate costume and we put the cowgirl outfit together from clothes we had a home. The 11 year old was ryan seacrest, mostly because he really wanted to wear his suit jacket. Over the weekend even I dressed up as a flapper with a 20's wig and all!

So today I had my 21st of 25 radiation treatments. Next monday will be my last treatment. I will still have 8 or so months of Herceptin infusions (every three weeks), but it looks like I will be oficially ready to go back to work the Monday after Thanksgiving. A little nervous, yes.

1 comment:

torrie said...

Wow... As for the radiation treatments- great to hear. And- back to work??? We better get together for lunch soon then!!