Monday, August 22, 2011

Side effect rears its ugly head

So just as I'm feeling good, no more nausea, little fatigue, I start to notice that I am losing some feeling in my feet. The doctor had warned me that neuropathy or numbness in the hands and feet is a common side effect of each chemo I am on, and so far it hadn't lost any sensation, but I kind of started to notice yesterday that my feet feel like they are falling asleep. I can still feel them and I can move my toes and all, the but I have that pins and needles feeling and I have 3 chemo left. I am hoping that this is as bad as it will get, but it's a weird constant sensation, and we'll see, and honestly I would take numb feet over the terrible nausea and fatigue. And I'll take it all to kill every last cancer cell.

1 comment:

Mama Salama said...

your toes look nice! :) great catching up with you last night. love you.